The Three Genevan Sisters

Geneva, Swiss city on the shores of (forgive the repetition) Lake Geneva, was my home for five years: for work reasons, I lived there until September 2014. As I mentioned in a previous post, Geneva is also the hometown of my dog, Gordon, who also led my husband and me to see the city with different eyes: our impressions of Geneva before the dog (BD) are quite different from those of Geneva after the dog (AD). Thus, Geneva BD, a small and expensive city, with a picturesque old town, shops and restaurants that don't open for long hours -or don't open at all on weekends-, and a large amount of apartment buildings that seem to have frozen in time a few decades ago, turned into Geneva AD, with large extensions of green parks (an exception is the Botanical Garden, a truly amazing place that sadly is part of Geneva BD, since no dogs are allowed), nice walking trails (for example along the Rhone River), and a community of fellow dog parents who also became our friends. 

The cafe and the garden.
I see that I'm rambling a bit off topic. Recently, after almost three years, we were lucky to visit Geneva again. Even though it was a very short visit, we had a great time there: we had the chance to meet again with very dear human and canine friends, and we stayed in our old neighborhood. One of the first things that we did there was to go to the park where we used to take Gordon every morning; and we were very pleasantly surprised: the Parc des Franchises was already nice, but last summer the neighbors joined the city administration in an initiative to make it even friendlier, so now there is a cute open café that functions during the summer months (and plans to establish a permanent place), and also a small vegetable garden, where I was surprised to meet (and this was the original point of this post!) the three sisters

The vegetable patch.

Close up of corn, beans, and squash.
I have to say that I was thrilled to recognize this planting system: six months ago I would have passed by the garden without giving it much thought. So I have learned something from my readings. 

Not only the humans of the family enjoyed the visit to Geneva: we were surprised and touched to see how Gordon very excitedly greeted friends not seen for a long time; and also how he seemed to recognize immediately many of the places where we would usually go. 

Gordon sunbathing in the"buvette".


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