Spring-Summer 2019

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These last few weeks everything in the garden has grown and blossomed, and the population of insects has increased. Along with bees, wasps and bumblebees, we often see rose beetles flying around near the flowers. This beetle has a wonderful metallic green color (I strongly recommend to look at this photo). When I first discovered its larvae in the soil of my potted plants, I though it was a pest. I've now learned that not only is the rose beetle a protected species here in Germany, but the larvae are actually very helpful, as they feed on decomposing organic matter and produce humus., which makes them perfect compost dwellers. Although I haven't managed to photograph the beautiful beetle yet, I didn't want to let too much time pass without sharing some impressions of the garden and its inhabitants.

One of my favorite pictures, taken by chance: a bee (see the full corbicula or pollen basket on its leg) in front of a borage (Borago officinalis) flower. 

Poppies always flower in the last weeks of May. 

This beauty is called Cistus incanus, and its flowers are exactly as delicate as they seem: the petals drop at the end of the same day they opened. 

Tagetes that I got as a gift in a garden fair last March. I didn't have too high expectations about it, but in the second half of May it suddenly started growing and it now looks beautiful.

German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), in this case just for decoration, as it's difficult to get much tea from a single plant and three flowers.


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