It (maybe) is World Earthworm Day!

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Apparently, October 21 is World Earthworm Day. I just found out today via Facebook, so I'm one day late to the party.  Since I don't like to write things here without previous fact-checking, I Googled a bit to find out which international organization had declared this world day, and when. I was hoping to dig up a UN declaration or some legal text of that sort. However, I couldn't find anything beyond publications by The Earthworm Society of Britain and similar organizations, so I'll have to take their word.

During this exhaustive research, I also learned that Darwin (of whom I'm a huge fan) was fascinated  by earthworms, and spent decades observing their behavior. Shortly before his death, he published a book called "The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms", in which he concluded that “there are few animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world than the earthworm”. 

So, in celebration of such an important day, I'll leave here some photos of my amazing compost bin and its inhabitants!

Inside of the thermo-composter.

One of the many worms that live there.

I just love this stuff!


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