Late Harvest

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One of the reasons why I had not posted anything about my garden in the last few weeks is that there was not much to post: for some reason, the things that I planted in April or May took much longer to develop this year, and I even thought that there may be no harvest at all. However, after a few weeks of very hot and dry weather, the plants finally started to awaken. In late July the rain came back as well, which helped the garden turn green again. I finally managed to harvest some vegetables, and others continue to grow. 

After overprotecting this habanero chili plant for a long time with no results, it seems that what it needed was to be transplanted to a larger pot and to be left alone. 

Last year the zucchinis I planted didn't develop (I think the seed I used was of low quality). This year they arrived late, but in earnest.

This summer has also been marked by very sudden and strong rains. A few days ago, we even had a storm with hail and rains so heavy that some neighbors' basements flooded. Luckily, the hail didn't destroy anything in my garden, apart from some leaves, even if it left its marks, for example on my (so far only) Hokkaido squash. 

This Hokkaido squash must still grow a bit. When it is ready to be harvested (probably in September), its color will have changed to a deeper orange.  

My spoiled child, a Waltham Butternut squash, also has some hail marks, but is still growing. 

The tomatillo plants (Physalis ixocarpa) exploded this year. I hope to use the harvest to make some great enchiladas. 


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